Thursday, July 23, 2009

quiltalong Block B instructions

All right, here we go with block B. This block is comprised of 3 concentric squares. I used three fabrics in this sample block, and I'm calling them "inner, middle, and outer" here. You could make this block with two fabrics if you want--one for both inner and outer squares and a contrasting fabric for the middle square. Maybe I'll try that on another block soon.

Let's get started!
Step 1: Cut a 2.5" square from your inner fabric. Cut two 2.5" squares from your middle fabric.

Step 2: Sew the middle squares to two sides of the inner square. Press.

Step 3: Cut two 2.5"x6.5" strips from your middle fabric.

Step 4: Sew these strips to the top and bottom of the block. Press.

Step 5: From the outer fabric, cut two strips 2.5"x6.5". I used fabric with a directional print again so I had to pay attention to which way I cut my strips here.

Step 6: Sew the 6.5" strips to the sides of the block. Press.

Step 7: From the outer fabric, cut two strips 2.5"x10.5". I cut these strips so the directional print is going the same way as the side strips.

Step 8: Sew the 10.5" strips to the top and bottom of the block. Press.
You're done!

p.s. If you're wondering, I still don't have the right name for this quilt pattern. I'm thinking about it and it will come to me eventually!


Anonymous said... 1

I just happened to stumble on this quiltalong, and can't wait to get started!!! Thanks for doing this.

Christephi said... 2

I've been thinking of a name for it too...but haven't hit on anything share-worthy yet. I'm so jealous of this quiltalong. I want to do it too, but I just have too much else on my plate right now. And I LOVE the holiday fabrics you're using! I wouldn't dare to try using directional prints right now with prego brain!

Nanette Merrill said... 3

Simple and classic.

Erica said... 4

Uhm....I love your fabric, I want it! I've got to learn how to quilt! I'm so imprecise when it comes to sewing, not sure how I'll do with quilts.
I think the name of that quilt should be "Windows to the World" or something like that!

Megra said... 5

Lovely blog! I've joined your quilt along.