Saturday, March 06, 2010


Here are the rainbow strips I have ready for putting into the back for my watercolor quilt. I measured them and I have enough to go around the quilt, about 10" in from the edge. 

The folded strip on the bottom in the picture is my pile of signature squares. I pieced them, alternating with colored fabric squares, into several strips. And now I'm thinking about undoing that and making a solid square or rectangle with all the siggies together. I kind of want the rainbow-y strips to be the main focus on the back (I didn't have a plan, and I sewed the signatures first). What do you think? 

I also made the cutest, tiniest, tiered skirt for my girl today. 

Hope you're having a good weekend! We have a neighbor's birthday party tonight (my husband is DJing) and church tomorrow.


Unknown said... 1

Go with your gut Vicki - that quilt is beautiful! Can't wait to see it finished :)

Anonymous said... 2

Love the quilt!!! Great idea for the signature's, that way each it will be a highlight and yet not take away from the watercolor border.

Anonymous said... 3

Love the rainbow strips - they are powerful, so if you have the patience, i too would say redo those! Can't wait to see it done!

Leslie said... 4

i love some rainbow quilty goodness!!!

Elizabeth said... 5

I had to think long and hard before I commented because I hate unpicking, but I think the sigs in one block will probably look nicer. And if that's the direction you're thinking, you won't be happy with it unless you do what your 'gut' tells you. I love the rainbow of colors! Can't wait to see the finished project! TFS :D!

Ritapizza said... 6

Wow! what a beautiful spectrum of color! I can't wait to see it all together! And your girl's tiered skirt too!