Friday, March 12, 2010

watercolor quilt back

So... I finished up the back for my watercolor quilt.
This took some time... steps included sewing the rainbow strips, sewing the siggies all together (after unpicking the strips they were originally sewn into), piecing the middle brown section with the siggie blog, measuring and sewing and cutting the rainbow strips to get them all equal lengths, attaching them to the brown center section, and then adding the final outer borders. (Sorry if that was boring, I had to say it though.)

So I decided to lay the quilt top on top of the back here to make sure it fits.
Maybe you can't tell. You probably can. (Look at the left side there.) The backing isn't big enough. Sigh. That's ok, there's enough extra on the top and bottom edges and I already sewed another 3.5" strip on one of the sides of the back. I'm going to sew a strip on the other side, too, because I want to be able to keep the design centered on the back.

As soon as I get the last strip sewn on this back, I'm putting this project away for a couple weeks. I have to go buy the batting for it, and in the meantime I'm going to finish up my nephew's baby quilt and my quilts for kids quilt. Do you already know about quilts for kids? They will send you a free kit to make a quilt that you then send back and they give it to a hospitalized (or otherwise in need) child. The kit includes all the fabric you need, but you have to provide your own batting (and maybe binding fabric, too.) The quilt I'm making for them is really cute and easy--4-patches alternating with unpieced squares.

Also--I'm linking this over at Amy Lou Who's Sew -n- Tell Friday, head on over and see some other great projects!


Sarah said... 1

Wow...that quilt top is amazing. I'm in awe of how you put those blocks together! Complete bummer about the back!

LabMom said... 2

That is AWESOME!
I'm going to post it on my blog (if that is okay with you) as my "inspiration of the day!"

It is absolutely lovely.. work all the hard work you put!

Jessica said... 3

It is beautiful. I can't wait to see it once you get the backing issue sorted out and get it quilted!

Elizabeth said... 4

I like how the back turned out! Really nice! And the top is wonderful too!

Crystal Hendrix said... 5

Oh this is soo pretty! I want to make something like that!! But I hav no IDEA how to even go about I hear a tutorial?

ktquilts said... 6

Great quilt! Don't let the bumps in the road steal your joy!

Anonymous said... 7

Ah, this is LOVELY though! the rainbow around the back is great!

Unknown said... 8

Love what you did with the back Vicki! The front is fab ;)

Audrie said... 9

It's gorgeous!!! I hate when the back ends up too small, but hopefully it's an easy fix.

Jan said... 10

Beautiful quilt top and I love the backing---what a lot of work, but it is stunning!

Anonymous said... 11

Loving the back and again the top is just amazing!! Thank you for sharing!

jlk said... 12

Quilts for kids sounds neat -- I'm going to check them out!

Lesly said... 13

Front and back: both are inspirational! The miscalculation in sizing is an easy fix that won't take away from the beauty of this quilt! Thanks for sharing!

pinksuedeshoe said... 14

Those watercolor strips on the back are just gorgeous. I love all those colors lined up like that! Thanks for sharing!

Quiltpiecer said... 15

What an amazing quilt top! Was this from a millennium swap? I still have two sets of squishies! How fast the past 10 years have gone by!

Karen said... 16

What an excellent quilt top. Love the combination of the pale sqaues and then the coloured squares. Um yeah I have had a couple of backing that didn't quite fit. Personally I had to come back later to finish it.

Diane said... 17

Love your rainbow quilt! Glad you were able to create a fix for the back that was fairly painless.

I just got my quilt for kids kit this last week! what a great program. Sounds like I got the same pattern you did :)

Vicki @ DottyJane said... 18

It looks fantastic, front and back! I'll look forward to seeing the finished quilt.

amylouwhosews said... 19

That is an amazing looking quilt! I love the back too. I wish I had time right now for the quilts for kids. Remind me about it in 6 months and maybe I can take it on!

Cheryl Arkison said... 20

Oh, I hate that! Not the quilt/back, but the being just short. I have that on a current project too and I was so annoyed that I just put it aside.

QuiltyBee said... 21

Lovely anyway. Let's see, can I still count the times I haven't gotten the back right? Nice work!

Nanette Merrill said... 22

Oh wow. I love it.

lej619 said... 23

wow this is magnificent!!! hope you could do a tutorial on it!!It would be fun to make. I realize it is squares put together,but it is how you laid them out that make a wonderful difference!!

Alisa said... 24

Your quilt top is amazing!! You've done a great job.

Ritapizza said... 25

It's beautiful! I love the rainbow of colors and the back is so simple and modern but complements the front so well! Love the brown too!

Leslie said... 26

this watercolor quilt is stunning....sorry that it did not fit right off the bat.