Friday, September 24, 2010

Sew & Tell--Amy Butler

The Amy Butler Sew & Tell linkup at amylouwho this week has been a good incentive for me to finish one of my long-time UFOs. I started this pillow sometime last year--I made 3 out of 4 pillows for my living room couch and big chair and then lost steam for some reason. Today I finished up the last one:
Amy Butler pillow #2
It didn't really take that long, either. The top was pieced already, I just needed to quilt it and make the back pieces (it's just an envelope style back). Here it is with its fraternal twin:
2 pillows
These pillows have quilted fronts with medium weight, white denim as the backing fabric. They are sturdy! The backs are made from quilting fabric "quilted" to the denim again, but with no batting. The overlap on the back is pretty wide, to prevent the back from gapping open and showing the pillow form inside. These were made to fit the pillows that came with my big chair here.

I'm so glad this is done! Maybe next week I'll work on another of my older unfinished projects.

**head on over to to see all the other Amy Butler sew & tell finishes this week!


Unknown said... 1

I love those pillows!

amylouwhosews said... 2

So pretty! I just love the colors too! Bet you weren't surprised to hear that from me. :)

Glad you came to the party!

Sara @ Sew Sweetness said... 3

Very pretty! I love the grays and blues...they look gorgeous together!

Anonymous said... 4

Very nice design and love that you made them so durable who would have thought something so pretty would be so family friendly! Great Job;0)

Anonymous said... 5

OOH! LOVE it! And Love it with it's fraternal twin too! My fave color combo!

Leslie said... 6

i love these pillows!! they look great

pinksuedeshoe said... 7

Those colors are so pretty together, nice work!

Bec said... 8

Your pillows look amazing!! I love the simple square... I bet your loungeroom looks so fresh and funky! xx

Aunt Spicy said... 9

These really are great! Love the colors!

Allie said... 10

Your pillows are beautiful!