Thursday, January 14, 2010

Quilt Along--fabric requirements for larger quilt

All right, are you ready for the Simple Squares quiltalong? Here are the fabric requirements for the larger quilt, which has 24 blocks and finishes up at 50x74 inches:

12 fat quarters for the square blocks (updating to suggest 14 fat quarters to give yourself a little wiggle room)
1 3/4 yard fabric for sashing (strips in between blocks) and border
1/2 yard for binding
3 1/2 yards for backing

The fabric requirements for a baby quilt, 38x50 inches, made with 12 blocks, are here.

Here are the fabrics I'm going to use, this will be a baby quilt for my nephew Landon who's almost 7 months old!

I was going to go to the quilt shop to look for coordinates for these Oh, Boy fabrics but there is a budget crunch at my house this month. I looked in my stash this morning and found the blue check and the HR dots (I picked out the yellow solid a while ago... it's part a thrift store sheet, leftover from my cape project) . The dots match perfectly, the blue check I'm still not completely sure about using. I don't have my sashing fabric yet but I'm going to start my quilt blocks anyway.

I already have the block instructions posted: block Ablock B. Here is the link for the sashing/cornerstone instructions for the baby quilt.

I'd love to know if you're planning to join in. I've started a flickr group for this quiltalong, please share your fabric and sewing progress photos there!


diplofam said... 1

Hi Vicki,
I am in the Going Sew Crazy block swap with you-had enough time to visit your sight! I will join your quilt along. I have never made this quilt and I always have lots of donated baby fabric from Margaret's Hope Chest to play around with. blessings, carin

Lorilee said... 2

Do you want some green to go in it? I probably have some that would match.

kelliemorgan said... 3

I'm in. Got some cute fat quarters I have been looking to use. Thanks so much!

Deb said... 4

Hi Vicki, I definitely want to do this but so far haven't found the figgy pudding that I really wanted to use. I may have to forego that and use reds/yellows that I have in my stash. (And..I've joined 2 other quilt-alongs that are just beginning, too!) Thank you for your tutorials and for doing this.

Anonymous said... 5

That is going to be a cute baby quilt! I am working on a skirt and then p.j. bottoms but may join in later, thanks for all the helpful tutorials. Happy sewing!

Dielle said... 6

Oh, I'm in! I have some fat quarters and a jelly roll I've been trying to figure out how I want to use. Now I just need to decide on sashing. I'm thinking I might just go white. Hmmm. I've never done a quilt-a-long before. So what's next? Do I just start sewing?

k said... 7

oh i think i may join in if my school schedule allows. i love the blocks and i have the Be Merry fabrics and want to create a Christmas quilt. if i start now, maybe it'll be done by December. LOL

Christine said... 8

Oh I love it!!! If I didn't have three other projects going on I'd join in. :) Christine

SEWButterfly said... 9

I would love to join! Hope I'm not too late; just found your blog today. I'm a new quilter and this would be fun!

Purple Paisley Patch said... 10

Hi Vicki, I just read about your quilt-along on Amy's (Park City Girl) blog. I'd love to join in. I recently bought a heap of the Girly Girl range to make my daughter a quilt and I think joining this quilt-along will help get the quilt made, rather than forever being thought about while I agonize over what pattern to use. Thanks for organising this.
Kelly :-)

Lori said... 11

I know I am really late finding this sew along but I am going to try this. I started quilting a few weeks ago and this looks like a good starter quilt. Thank you for posting this :)